Troop 105 Campout Basics

The items below are things you are expect to learn and 

practice in order for camp to run smoothly.

CAMP SETUP - Every campsite will be a little different, but a few things will almost always happen, such as:

LIGHTS OUT - Each camp will have a different time for lights out; however, you will be told the lights out time by the first day (it’s usually between 9:00 - 10:30pm). Lights out means by that time you are in your tent, all electronics are off and you are silent. It does not mean you start getting ready for bed at that time. Lights out is your deadline to be in bed. The only reason to leave the tent after the deadline to use the restroom or an emergency, such as fire, an animal in your tent, or if you have special medical needs.

START OF DAY - If you wake before Reveille, the morning bugle call (or before camp wake-up time), please be kind to other visitors. Stay as quiet as you can as to not disturb those that require more rest. 

LEAVE NO TRACE - As scouts we pledge “to be clean in our outdoor manners, careful with fire, considerate of the outdoors, and conservation minded.” If you see trash, pick it up. If you make trash, throw it away. At the end of each camp we will perform a FOD walk. This means we will line up and stretch out our arms so our fingertips touch each other’s. Then at the sound of the leader, we will slowly walk forward as a line, looking straight down, and pick-up any and all trash on the ground. Scouts at Troop 105 are expected to Leave No Trace at the campsites we use. We will not depart camp until it is clean. This task goes much faster if 1) scouts clean up after themselves throughout the week and 2) we all work together on the FOD (Foreign Object Debris) walk.

CYBER CHIP - Cyber Chip allows you to have a phone at scout activities. This is for contacting parents or other scouts in an emergency, or to use as the many other tools on modern phones. 


RESPECT - We hear this word a lot. The word respect is like the word love because we use it so much, in so many ways, that it loses its sincerity and original meaning. When we say respect at Troop 105 we mean that you use manners.

WORK ETHIC - You will work. You will work a lot.

Understand that the only way to be able to overcome hard things is to have been through hard things. Scouting intends to challenge your body and mind. A scout that will not work is not prepared for high adventure and is not qualified for the Order of the Arrow.

KP DUTY - Kitchen Patrol Duty is cleaning the kitchen and dining hall after a meal. You will be assigned KP duty, it is inevitable, like Thanos. KP includes:

Unofficial, But VERY Necessary Component of the Uniform:

Bring a reusable water bottle, filled, with your name on it, to ALL scouting events (even Monday night meetings)!